Monday, November 13, 2006

election 2008

Now that rudy's in the race, things will get interesting.

Here's the preliminary list ...

Democratic Party:

Barack Obama
Bill Richardson
Christopher Dodd
Evan Bayh
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Joe Biden
John Edwards
John Kerry
Mike Gravel
Tom Daschle
Tom Vilsack
Wesley Clark

Republican Party:

Bill Frist
Chuck Hagel
Duncan Hunter
George Allen
George Pataki
John H. Cox
John McCain
Michael Charles Smith
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Sam Brownback
Tommy Thompson

Third Party:

Bob W. Hargis
Charles T. Maxham
Christine Smith
Daniel Imperato
David Koch / Ken Goldstein
Don Cordell
Doug Stanhope
Gene Amondson
George Phillies
James Gilchrist
Jon A Greenspon
Kat Swift
Lance Brown
Nan Garrett
Rebecca Rotzler
Rich Whitney
Steve Adams
Steve Kubby

I've been a fan of McCain vs Clinton for a while. There are a lot of assorted candidates on both sides which will be shaken out depending on Iraq and the economy. Gore doesn't seem up for loosing again, poor guy. Obama is just too staged for my book. From 2004 repeated, Clark has the best chance out of Edwards, Kerry, and Clark. Pataki versus Rudy, I mean come on that's like Bloomberg vs Rudy, the 9-11 icon in a heartbeat will carry home the votes. Biden and Newt and Daschel are a little too partisan. No one else really has game. But hell, that's what people thought of the democrats in '04 and that turned into odd little group-think primary. This time there are some real page-turners. (and it's interesting that wikipedia has democrats before republicans.)

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