Saturday, December 1, 2007

Steal My Idea

I stayed at a hotel that had an the iron attached to a heat-resistant mount at the base of the ironing board. And then they had a hanger for the ironing board in the closet and a retractable cord. This is way more advanced than the ironing set-up of olden times where you have to find the iron and unwrap the chord and find a place for the iron and keep it upright when not in use. Everything is in one place.

One thing would make this better ... if the ironing board's holder was a charging station for an iron, and that linked up with the hook. The hook would need to be plugged in, so you would probably have to put a 110 plug in your closet or cupboard or wherever you keep your ironing board. That way you can have a cordless iron that was always put back in it's place and always ready to rip it up.

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